Go Rentals helps travellers to New Zealand find some great golf spots around New Zealnad and Puddicombe Golf is thrilled that they included Wainui Golf.
We have included the article from their website below.
You can click on the photo below to read more about these 5 locations.
5 Golf Courses The Article Mentioned:
Titirangi Golf Club
Windross Farms
Gulf Harbour Country Club
Muriwai Golf Club
Wainui Golf
and a Bonus Golf Club they mentioned was Kauri Cliffs
All truly great courses that are worth a stop while in Auckland, NZ.
#PuddicombeGolf #NZGolf #Wainui #WindrossFarms #MuriwaiGolfClub #TitirangiGolfClub #GulfHarbourGolfClub #KauriCliffs